Rush... disagrees with Bush?

Let's go to the tape:

...And as I look out there across the great wide spectrum that is this country and its electoral politics, you look at things -- realistically here, not looking for negativism, just looking realistically, things --- that might present a problem to the good guys, the conservatives, the Republicans in all this. And to me, there's one issue out there -- well, maybe two. Spending. This is something and I'm glad to see the president finally trying to get hold of it, but there's one real issue here that could break up the so-called Republican-conservative coalition, and that is immigration.

If something is not done, my friends, it simply is untenable. We cannot maintain our sovereignty without securing and protecting our borders. We simply can't. Not in an era where terrorists around the world seek entry to this country to attack from within. It is simply something -- you know, all these arguments that we've heard, "Well, you got to let immigrants in because they'll do jobs that the American people don't want to do," and there was a time I believed that. [Bush on Wednesday: "People are coming to our country to do jobs that Americans won't do" -- LW] There was a time economically that that was persuasive with me. But I think it's gotten to the point here where it runs the risk of defining downward a whole lot of pay scales on different jobs simply because we'll let people who will do it for next to nothing into the country do it, then it ends up depressing various pay scales or can if something's not done about this. [read up on the hideous ideas behind Bush's guest worker plan: Bush "guest worker" program to be "open to any type of employee" -- LW] There were two things recently that sent me to this. I've got one of them in my hand here. The other one, we laughed about it, but when the story cleared the wires that these 30 Hollywood people, these actors, writers and producers, tried to make the case that illegals ought to be given driver's licenses. What good are our laws? If we're going to send people to jail for avoiding taxes, for breaking the law, whatever we send them to jail for, why don't we look askance at people violating immigration law? And say, "Well, there's nothing we can do about it. We're just going to grant them temporary status and give them a chance to be good citizens and eventually become full-fledged." [See the interview with Asa Hutchinson: Rounding up all illegals 'not realistic' -- LW]

You see, these Hollywood people out there, they would revolt, they would literally revolt if the immigrants became camera operators and writers and producers for two bucks an hour. They wouldn't put up with that for a minute, or actors for minimum wage, but let them come in as caterers and limo drivers and nannies or whatever else the Hollywood people want them for and then it's perfectly fine for them to be illegal.

Now, get this story. This story comes today from the San Francisco Chronicle. At least that's where I found it. "Foreign Secretary Says Mexico May Ask International Courts to Block Proposition 200 -- Mexico may turn to international courts in efforts to block a new Arizona law limiting services to undocumented aliens, said Mexican foreign secretary Luis Ernesto Derbez. He said this on Wednesday on an interview on W radio, that Mexico might take such a step after it's exhausted all possibilities under US law to halt Prop 200." Now, these are not the first of these kinds of stories. It's just the latest, where the Mexican government is attacking the United States for enforcing our own immigration laws against its illegal citizens, entering our country illegally. [See this or this for a start -- LW]

"Mexico's foreign department lawmakers have repeatedly complained about Prop 200 which took effect this week. It requires proof of citizenship to vote or to receive state benefits and Mexico is demanding that international courts overturn this." Mexico is essentially sending illegal citizens, its own citizens, to this country illegally and now attempting, through international courts, to stop us from enforcing our own laws!

Now, I'm going to tell you something, folks. This issue, if not handled properly by this administration, it could be the issue that severs the existing Republican coalition and could see to it to create the rise of a new Perot or somebody, where a president only needs to get 43% of the vote to win, a'la Bill Clinton, because some of the Republican coalition breaks away and votes for the newcomer. This is the issue that could cause that to happen if they're not careful...


I don't think the immigration issue will break up the Republican Party.

After all, it is only a small but powerful fringe that agree with Bush.

In 2008, I do not believe rank and file Republicans will be willing to nominate for President someone like Bush who doesn't care about the continuation of the United States as a sovereign nation.