SPOD: Devil Dogs

Today's Strange Pet of the Day (SPOD explained here) are Devil Dogs. You might not be familiar with the name, as they're called both "Devil Dogs" and "Wackalookaburribarwalls" in Australia, "Les Envois d'Enfer" in France and the Low Countries, "Devil Dogs" in most of the rest of Europe, and "Wallabies" in the UK and the U.S.

Whatever their local name, they represent 30-40 kgs of hopping, hermaphroditic, furry fun with a "wild" streak. Although there has been much misinformation provided about these feral beasts, some of it is not true. Weekly inspections by a licensed Exotic Animals Veterinarian can help control their prediliction for rabidity. And, careful and continual monitoring of their glycemic index can avoid most bouts of clawing and general annihilatory behavior.

For more on keeping Wackalookaburribarwalls as pets, see this.


Now that is great, but my Cat would not be happy with me or this little hopping guy. after all my cat-pig is over 18 years old, but may get one when my little pig moves on to the next world to attack others.