I wear short pants and I operate my laptop on a table

Drudge is linking to "Careful, lads, that laptop might burn your genes":

...To keep the testicles at an ideal temperature - and for greater comfort - men naturally sit with their legs further apart than women. When working on a laptop, however, they will adopt a less natural position in order to balance it on their laps, which results in a significant rise in body heat between their thighs...

...Using 29 volunteers aged 21 to 35, the researchers, led by Yefim Sheynkin, found that sitting with the thighs together to balance a laptop caused scrotal temperatures to rise by 2.1C. But when the laptop was in use, average temperatures rose by 2.6C on the left of the scrotum and 2.8C on the right...


I hate to tell people this but over 15 years ago when laptop's were the new thing, people were telling us that fact.