Strange Preachers in the House of Saud

According to this article:

The FBI is investigating whether the Saudi Arabian government-using the bank account of the wife of a senior Saudi diplomat-sent tens of thousands of dollars to two Saudi students in the United States who provided assistance to two of the September 11 hijackers...

The account is that of the wife of Prince Bandar bin Sultan, former U.S. spokesman for S.A. Even if the name's not familiar, you've probably seen him on the TV.

So, were they just donating money to a poor college student who duped them? Were they being blackmailed? Certainly, one would expect a special Swiss slush fund to have been used, rather than an account of someone high up. So, were they set up by someone else in their government? Or, were they intentionally sending money to terrorists, and they didn't care who found out?

In other news:

RIYADH, 23 November 2002 - Mosques are meant only for prayers, guidance and other pious activities: they should not be misused as a political platform, imams and khatibs have been told... The minister pointed out that the order was prompted by reports of some strange preachers making unwelcome speeches at the mosques.

Malaysia did something similar a few weeks back.