Why should I help them with anything?
Patterico is a major blogger and Los Angeles County Deputy District Attorney who's being harassed by unknown parties, and the harassment is probably more for his political activities than his DA work (link). It's a horrible situation; I hope no harm comes to him or his family and I hope they catch and severely punish those responsible.
But, other than that, I'm not going to do anything about this.
One reason is that even if I posted here about how they could better approach their problems [1], that advice would either go unheeded or would be scoffed at ([2]). The general rightwing establishment blogger approach to this issue isn't going to be as effective as it could be. As usual, "they're doing it wrong". But, there's no upside to me pointing out how they could do things in better ways.
Another reason is that if something like that happened to me, I highly doubt whether Patterico or other conservative establishment bloggers or pundits would do anything about it. I don't think top bloggers would publicly gloat about it, but some of those who leave comments at their sites would.
When much less serious things happened to me, it's not like rightwing establishment bloggers rushed to my aid. In some cases they were explicitly or implicitly involved in such instances. I've had various issues at or with Reason Magazine, Daily Caller, Mandy Nagy and John Nolte of the Breitbart sites, Ann Althouse, Glenn Reynolds, Robert Stacy McCain (banned by one of his contributors), RedState (see the link)... It's a long list. I never got any help with that from rightwing establishment bloggers (see also deleted comments).
If some rightwing establishment blogger were, for instance, lost in the mountains I'd guide them out no matter how much it inconvenienced me. But, given their past performance - not lifting a finger and even in some cases being involved in attacks against me - it's not like I feel compelled to help in this case.
P.S. Around five years ago, I wrote about one of those allegedly involved in this issue. As you might expect, that didn't get any links from rightwing establishment bloggers then, and it's not going to get any now.
[1] Granted, much of my advice is more than a bit "barbed". The barbed nature isn't gratuitous: it's based on watching how the recipients of the advice have been operating for years. And, it's based on how less-barbed advice had been received. There are other reasons too, but the bottom line is that those recipients aren't willing to take good advice.
[2] A few days ago - before I knew anything about this issue - I tweeted "@rsmccain @patterico: one factor in Obama being reelected is the continued incompetence of r/w bloggers" in regards to this. Patterico replied "@rsmccain He is trying to say what he always says. You're incompetent, I'm incompetent, only @24AheadDotCom_ can save us! #yawn".