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New York Post Metro
New York, New York
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Luke is the dog, dummies's avatar
From @iamdogluke
@isareport @nypmetro Oh, the @AOC bots are already out. I’m more curious who pays for the district office? Is there…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@iamdogluke: 1. Twitter censored your reply to @isareport (see "LowQuality" at my top tweet). Ask real reporters to cover what Twitter really does. 2. Isa should be going after #AOC over her *policies*. Point out to Isa fans (if any) that she isn't a real reporter.
Julia Marsh's avatar
From @juliakmarsh
Mayor de Blasio continues trash talking @HillaryClinton on his 2nd day in Iowa, saying in Des Moines today: "I thin…
Muscles McSexington's avatar
From @StArminante
@juliakmarsh @HillaryClinton @nypmetro He is beyond delusional. New Yorkers hate him from both sides, they just vot…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@StArminante: before de Blasio won, I devised a smart plan to stop him. The @juliakmarsh / r/w plan that stopped him must have been smarter, since it was so effective. Right?
Isabel Vincent's avatar
From @isareport
Where in the world does Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez live? via @nypmetro #aoc
Don't @ me with your hate's avatar
From @clarebunny65
@isareport @nypmetro Cute story targeting AOC for harrasment - maybe worse. Now do @RepStefanik who fakes living i…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@clarebunny65: be thankful Murdoch has turned those like @isareport loose on #AOC. AOC is most vulnerable on her very pro-Big Biz #immigration stance. Murdoch can't go her AOC on that because he'd be going after himself too. So, hacks like Isabel target AOC personally.