Submit tough questions for Paul Ryan about his budget plan

GOP Rep. Paul Ryan recently released a budget plan that would reform various entitlement programs that millions of Americans rely on. My impression is that Ryan's budget does exactly what you'd think it does: help the rich while harming the non-rich and overall putting U.S. society at a worse position than before. Not that the Democrats are any better, of course.

But, since I'm not a budget expert or an accountant and I don't want to become either of those, I'm turning this over to you: what are the toughest questions that Ryan or other promoters of his plan should be asked? What are the questions that would reveal flaws in his scheme and that would show that he hasn't thought through the impacts of the scheme? No one in the GOP can be counted on to ask such questions, and neither can the mainstream media or the Democrats. So, it's up to us.

Submit your best questions in comments below, and then I'll edit them for maximum effectiveness if necessary and try to find others to ask them.

However, please read the page detailing how to develop tough questions for political leaders first. Please don't submit questions that would simply allow Ryan to give a stock speech or that simply request information that could be obtained through a search of his past statements.

The questions I'm looking for will reveal flaws in his scheme: "your plan does A, but there's nothing in there about what to do if B happens; do you have a plan for that?" and the like.