special order 40

special order 40: Page 1

Discussed in (click each link for the full post):

Special Order 40: "Jack Dunphy", Daryl Gates, Mike Carona, Police Commission - 01/30/06

The pseudonymous LAPD cop "Jack Dunphy" gives an overview of Los Angeles' sanctuary city policy here:

Illegal alien drop house busted in Watts - 04/23/04

The LAPD and the BICE busted a drop house in Watts in which over 110 illegal aliens were held captive. The house is 1100 square feet, and the doors were chained shut while the smugglers demanded more money. 88 of the aliens are now in BICE custody awaiting deportation. The smugglers escaped, and the aliens are out thousands of dollars. While we can occasionally bust drop houses, the more intelligent way to reduce the number of such incidents is to make it unprofitable to hire illegal aliens. The backstory is the most interesting part of this: Local law enforcement officials say the only thing...