socialist worker

socialist worker: Page 1

Discussed in (click each link for the full post):

Gustavo Torres/CASA de Maryland, SVREP, Ward Churchill at Venezuala "revolution in the U.S." conference - 11/26/07

The Venezuela International Book Fair took place earlier this month, and it included a "five-day rolling panel discussion" called "United States: A possible revolution" [1]: The 22 panelists, four or five of whom spoke each day, included political activists and writers from the United States expressing diverse political views, as well as a number of U.S. citizens living in Venezuela... The issues debated on the character of the working class and prospects for revolution in the United States sparked a political discussion that permeated the book fair... ...In addition to the forum panelists...

Immigrant rights activists gather in Chicago - 08/17/07

Socialist Worker/Lee Sustar/[[August 25, 2006]]/ link

We Are America debates in Chicago - 03/18/07

"We Are America" debates in Chicago/Socialist Worker/Sam Jordan/[[June 9, 2006]]/ link Describes a [[June 4, 2006]] meeting of that the We Are America Alliance in Chicago. Reports that those attending included:

Organizing the new movement - 02/21/07

Socialist Worker/[[April 28, 2006]]/Lee Sustar/ link

The Case of Elvira Arellano - 10/07/06

Lee Sustar/Socialist Worker (also in Counterpunch)//[[August 31, 2006]]/ link ...A given day (at the church where she's holed up) might see elected officials, diplomats from the Venezuelan consulate, journalists from the New York Times or European national radio services, or representatives of the Latino and left-wing press.