sam slom

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Fukino: Obama has birth certificate on file and it matches the COLB - 04/10/11

Former Hawaii Health Director Chiyome Fukino - at the center of the Obama citizenship issue - has given an interview in which she claims that Obama has a valid birth certificate on file in Hawaii. Per her, the certificate is half handwritten and half typed and is signed by the delivering physician. She also claims that the information on the "Certification of Live Birth" ("COLB") shown on Obama's site matches what they have on file. That settles the "Birther" issue, right? Not really. Those who have concerns about whether Obama is really a citizen due to issues of his father's citizenship or...

Barack Obama could have Hawaii release his original birth certificate if he wanted to - 08/08/09

[IMPORTANT UPDATE BELOW] On June 6, June Watanabe of the Honolulu Star Bulletin offered "Born identity/Birth certificate styles adjust to fit times and regulations" (link) which some have attempted to use to claim that Barack Obama could not release his original, long-form birth certificate. In the article (excerpted below), Hawaii Department of Health spokeswoman Janice Okubo claims that all birth records were converted to electronic form and that the state of Hawaii only issues "Certifications of Live Birth", such as that shown in the picture on Obama's site. However, nowhere in the article...