proposition 200

proposition 200: Page 1

Discussed in (click each link for the full post):

Immigration questions George F. Will won't answer - 06/19/06

George F. Will was last heard offering a false choice argument on immigration, supporting the Bush line that we have to either give amnesty to illegal aliens or conduct mass deportations. Now, he's back with "Calculating Immigration Politics":

Arizona Republic almost does expose on Western Union - 03/19/06

Chris Hawley of the AZ Republic offers the somewhat surprising article "Wire firm a force in debate over immigration". It's surprising because in a rare move for the AZ Republic it comes close to reporting the actual truth. They come close to implying that Western Union and their parent company First Data are profiting off illegal immigration, are encouraging illegal immigration, and are corrupting our political system. ...In recent years, Denver-based First Data has openly campaigned for immigration reform, which could legalize millions of undocumented workers, and has created a $10...

Fox of Mexico to get tough with the U.S.A. - 10/18/04

More threats from our friends to the south: In recent days Mexican President Vicente Fox and his Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Luis Ernesto Derbez, have sent barbed messages to the U.S.A. The main message - Mexico plans to get tough with the U.S.A. regarding the treatment of migrant workers in this country and the services they should receive...