legal aid society

legal aid society: Page 1

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Supreme Court upholds 2007 Arizona immigration enforcement law; eVerify; losing: US Chamber, DOJ, Berman, NCLR, ADL, SPLC, AILA, SEIU, LULAC - 05/26/11

In a major victory for states that want to reduce illegal immigration, the US Supreme Court has upheld Arizona's 2007 "Legal Arizona Workers Act" employer enforcement law that requires the use of eVerify and that allows Arizona to pull the business licenses of companies that knowingly hire illegal aliens. Note that the 2007 law and the decision have no relation to Arizona's more recent immigration law. A Los Angeles Times article is here, and links to legal documents are here. Sonia Sotomayor voted in dissent; see her name's link. Those who opposed Arizona's law in court and who lost today...

NY Daily News conducts immigration hotline with NYIC ("Citizenship Now!") (+Gillibrand) - 04/29/09

Spanish-language TV networks have conducted citizenship drives, and the New York Daily News is now trying to get in on the act (link) by conducting a Citizenship Now! drive featuring a hotline staffed by volunteers from the City University of New York as well as two non-profits: the Legal Aid Society and the New York Immigration Coalition. The first hasn't been covered here, but the second has and their advice was probably politicized to say the least; click their link for past coverage. The NYDN's coverage admits that many who called were illegal aliens and were interested in amnesty. UPDATE...