judy chu

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John Kelly admits his role on weakening Trump on immigration; Kelly supports amnesty and opposes a full border wall - 01/17/18

From [1]: White House Chief of Staff John F. Kelly told Democratic lawmakers Wednesday that the United States will never construct a physical wall along the entire stretch of the U.S.-Mexico border and that some of President Trump’s campaign promises on immigration were “uninformed.”

Democratic Convention speakers list and immigration - 09/03/12

Summary This post has a list of the speakers at the Democratic National Convention and links to more information on their immigration positions when known. There are also a preview of how the immigration issue will be presented at the convention, and some things you can do if you oppose illegal immigration. Preview

Read about CIR ASAP: "Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America's Security and Prosperity Act of 2009" (Luis Gutierrez) - 12/11/09

[A DISCUSSION OF SOME OF THE PROVISIONS IS HERE, AND MORE UPDATES ARE BELOW] On Tuesday, December 15, 2009 Rep. Luis Gutierrez will introduce an amnesty bill called the "Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America's Security and Prosperity Act of 2009". His announcement (luisgutierrez.house.gov/PRArticle.aspx?NewsID=1406) provides no details, however: 1. Details on the bill will be provided here when it becomes available; expect it to be a bit on the far-left side and expect it to not go very far, except perhaps if it's watered down. In the latter case it might present a problem. 2. The way...

Gil Cedillo, "immigrants" to stage "civil disobedience" at LAX - 09/28/06

Later today, "American" politician Gil Cedillo (CA state senate) and CA Assemblywoman Judy Chu are going to risk arrest by leading "immigrants" in a civil disobedience "action" near LAX.

CA Democrats shelve driver's licenses for illegal aliens - 08/18/06

The seventh year wasn't a charm for California state senator Gil Cedillo (D-MX), as the Democrat-controlled Assembly Appropriations Committee decided to shelve his latest attempt to give legal California driver's licenses to illegal aliens: Political insiders suggested the measure was perhaps too controversial for an election year.

When is an Asian-Pacific Islander not an Asian-Pacific Islander? - 12/21/04

Your guess is probably close, but, to make it exact, here's a hint: Sacramento. Now that your guess is almost 100% correct, here's the article. "Two lawmakers seeking membership in Democrat-only Asian caucus": Two Asian lawmakers are asking to be admitted to the Legislature's Asian-Pacific Islander Caucus, or be given money to start a club that will include Republican lawmakers. Republican Assemblymen Alan Nakanishi, of Lodi, and Van Tran, of Garden Grove, said they're being unjustly exclud

The pain, up close and personal - 07/22/03

Here's what "progressive" Democrat CA Assemblymember Jackie Goldberg says about the residents of California when she thinks no one is listening: "Some of us are thinking that maybe people should see the pain up close and personal, right now." That's from the SacBee story "Lawmakers' hush-hush talk broadcast live": Unbeknown to them, a group of Assembly Democrats' private gab session about