jeff poor

Jeff Poor of the Daily Caller

Jeff Poor is a media reporter for the Daily Caller. He's one of their worst reporters, although that site has a very low bar.

Not only did Poor delete a helpful comment I left on one of his posts, but he then showed just how intellectually weak he is by blocking me on Twitter. His Twitter handle is @Jeff_Poor.

Last modified Oct 1, 2013
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Sean Medlock and Jeff Poor don't want you to see this (Daily Caller, Jim Treacher) - 10/02/13

You might not expect the Daily Caller to delete a comment on a thread taking Popular Science to task for shutting off comments, yet that's exactly what they did [1]. On Sep. 25, Sean Medlock (the real name of "Jim Treacher") posted "Popular Science shuts off comments, so take your climate denial somewhere else" [2].