New York Times, admitting that illegal aliens are taking jobs from unemployed Americans, still supports amnesty

The New York Times offers "Immigration’s New Year" ( which contains this:

Opponents of (comprehensive immigration reform) say the downturn is a terrible time to fix the system, but they are wrong... It is not a question of adding new people to the work force; they are here, many helping keep the economy afloat while tolerating low pay and abuse from lawbreaking employers who prefer them to American workers.

A corollary to the above - one that either the NYT can't figure out or thinks their readers can't figure out - is that those who are here now are taking jobs from U.S. citizens, and that if we had immigration enforcement that would free up jobs for unemployed Americans. Clearly, the NYT's interest isn't with the plight of unemployed Americans, but with illegal aliens and the money and power they would confer once legalized. A reduction in the current number of illegal aliens would also increase innovation, such as increased farm mechanization, automation, and so on. There are enough people in the U.S. that various labor shortages - if they exist at all and aren't simply a fiction created by corrupt employers - can be dealt with through means other than massive immigration.

They also use a phrase I haven't seen before; they want to put "12 million people on a path to being assimilated". The usual phrase is the "path to citizenship"; apparently their Frank Luntz is trying a new trick to fool people. Even that intentionally deceptive phrase raises the hackles of some [1].

The editorial also mentions the latest pro-massive immigration thoughts of Michael Bloomberg and it promotes a march (of four people) for the anti-American DREAM Act, a bill that would let illegal aliens take college educations from U.S. citizens. When it comes to limited resources, the NYT tends to side opposite Americans.



"I now get it", the new york times is owned by the mexico city times. My Brother is in boston a city my family made today its 60 percent hispanic not the people we want here 30 percent is black and yellow and only 10 percent white people that is our Future of this nation. Soon America will become Mexico with all its gangs and all the murder you want. AND YES THE PIGS WILL Always support our enemies.