Jeb Bush opposes Arizona immigration law, and helps the far-left at the same time

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Jeb Bush (more on him at the link) has - not surprisingly - come out against the new Arizona immigration law and - also not surprisingly - done so in a sleazy fashion (link):

"I think it creates unintended consequences," he said in a telephone interview with POLITICO Tuesday. "It's difficult for me to imagine how you're going to enforce this law. It places a significant burden on local law enforcement and you have civil liberties issues that are significant as well."

"I don't think this is the proper approach,"

The former governor recounted how, after he gave a speech Monday night in California, he was approached by a Hispanic man who was concerned about the measure leading to racial profiling and unfair targeting of Latinos.

"He said, 'My parents live here, my grandparents live here - I'm Mexican-American,'" Bush recalled, adding that the man said, "'I could be picked up.'"

Assuming that what he describes actually happened, shouldn't he at least have played devil's advocate a bit? That is, in the interest of supporting the Republican Party (because most Republicans in Arizona supported the bill) and supporting the American people (because most citizens in Arizona supported the bill), shouldn't he have pointed out that his interlocutor most likely would never be confused with someone who's here illegally? Shouldn't he have pointed out that all he'd need to do is present a state drivers license or ID card?

Instead of doing that, Jeb Bush acts like a far-leftie. It would be possible for him to oppose the bill and at the same time not help the far-left.

Instead, he did it in a way that supports the far-left's position. On a related note, see the comments about Hoffenbloom here.