Example of tea party being useful idiots (global warming edition)

Not that you needed it, but the video at peekurl.com/vuoy9wp provides yet another in the long line of examples of the tea parties being useful idiots, in this case about global warming. It consists of a series of interviews conducted by Bob McCarty at a tea party protest in December. He, among other things, writes for Pajamas Media. This isn't one of their videos as far as I know, and this post isn't really about him or them specifically but is more just an example of how many people are used to push an agenda without their knowledge. (Something similar can be heard at the beginning of this video from Ann Althouse: peekURL.com/vdgc9fa ).

The basic trickery used goes something like this: "Al Gore worries about global warming. Al Gore is a bad person. Therefore, you shouldn't worry about global warming. In fact, you should do the opposite and help our corporate friends pollute." Obviously, that's a fallacy, but it's also obviously one that the tea partiers and others fall for. Another, even more gross fallacy is to pretend that because it's cold on one day that means that global warming doesn't exist.

The tea party mindset is such that they'd conclude from the preceding that I'm an Al Gore fan, when that's not the case. That same mindset would conclude that I believe that man-made global warming is a fact, when that's not the case either. I really don't know, since I'm not a climate scientist and I'm not going to spend the next decade becoming one.

I do know that no one can be trusted on this issue, with two basic camps: corrupt believers and corrupt deniers. The partiers aren't being skeptical (in the true sense of that word) and encouraging an open debate. The partiers aren't realizing a potential danger and trying to take this issue away from the far-left, even if corporate profits take a hit. Instead, the tea partiers have closed their minds and have chosen sides and are in effect helping corporations pollute, and have done so simply because of those on the other side. The tea party mindset is unable to make fine distinctions, and that mindset is leading us even further down the road to Idiocracy.