Demagogues get wish: Jim Moran townhall "descends into chaos"

From this:

Rep. Jim Moran's town hall meeting descended into chaos Tuesday night as protestors clashed -- in one case violently -- with supporters of a broad federal health care expansion, leading the 8th District Democrat to angrily seek to evict some of the loudest demonstrators.

Moran and former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean addressed a crowd of at least 2,500 at South Lakes High School in Reston, weathering hours of catcalls and heckling mixed with shouts from supporters.

Outside, a spillover crowd of protestors and counter-protesters shouted slogans at each other. A man in a Cato Institute T-shirt scuffled with a man wearing an Obama T-shirt, punched him in the face, and was shortly after kicked off the property by police officers.

OK, the last bit's funny. However, the stupidity exhibited by his opponents isn't funny at all. See the video here (unfortunately lacking the Cato v. Obama match) and the local MSM report here.

If, instead of acting like extras from Lord of the Flies they had found a few of their number who were smart and who were experienced with asking questions they could have tried to discredit Moran or Dean in an intellectual fashion. Moran is rumored to not exactly be a rocket scientist and, while Dean is obviously smart enough to be a doctor he's said some phenomenally stupid things and he could be "encouraged" to do it again if someone wound him up correctly. Both are extremely vulnerable to someone - such as a trial lawyer - who knows how to wind people up and ask them tough questions or get them to say self-incriminating things.

Instead of doing that, the tea parties types are cheapening already abysmal debate in the U.S. They aren't trying to undercut the MSM and politicians by asking tough questions. The fault for that lies with their incompetent and demogogic leaders. More on that here and in many other posts.

Note also the Glenn Reynolds post linked from here in which he said:

a reader suggests: "It would seem a great use of the tea party folks would be to become a living nightmare for jim moran who is leaving the welcome mat out for the uighurs - a thousand people at a district meeting would make an impact." I suppose they would.

Looks like Mr. "That crowd vented real good" got his wish.

UPDATE: Jane Hamsher of FireDogLake was at the event. Her description here, video here. The video has anti-abortion activist Randall Terry being ejected from the meeting. Rather than putting on the stunts described at the link, he could have actually done something effective and put Moran, Hamsher, and all their friends on the defensive. Those who want to defend cheap stunts and childish behavior don't seem to realize that by engaging in those, the protesters are helping or at least not hurting the other side. Instead of finding even just one smart person who could "interrogate" Moran, the protesters - and more importantly their incompetent leaders - are allowing Hamsher to write things like this:

You have to go to one of these events to realize how truly antagonistic and pig ignorant the death panel freaks are. While there are plenty of good reasons to object to the health care bills that both the House and the Senate are likely to pass, they don't appear to know any. Moran eventually took questions from the audience, and three--count 'em, three--people came up and asked if the insurance was going to be so good, why wouldn't he pledge to take it himself. Each time Moran said that he would. They appeared to all be hard of hearing, however, because they kept accusing him of not answering the question and asking it again, as if the word "yes" didn't have any meaning on their planet.


Lonewacko forgets that it was rabble rousers named Samuel Adams, Paul Revere, et al that conducted the first "Tea Party" that served as the nucleus for the American Revolution. Adams was also irreverent and less than civil in his discourse, and it worked for him. People like those in the tea parties keep the cause in the news. If pure reason and debate were all that was needed, then this country wouldn't be in the condition that it is today.

Horace, Right-wing "Ayn Rand" libertarianism is as childish and unworkable a political position as anarchism or communism. The "Tea Party" movement is not constructively adding to the political debate in this country any more than ANSWER or ACORN. It may hurt your feelings but Lonewacko shows a lot of integrity if not huevos for pointing out repeatedly that the same wealthy right-wing groups funding the teaparties support massive labor market distorting "nonimmigrant" visa programs. And out of another pocket quietly funnel money to the ultra-left wing Open Borders borg as well. Dick Armey, Grover Norquist, and Karl Rove have all stated that their goal is to turn back the clock on America to the "1890s" William Mckinley era. If you are one of the few who honestly has a wacky nostalgic desire to want to live in a Pre-New Deal, Pre-Progressive Era(TR,Taft,Wilson), Robber Baron era America when the IWW, Emma Goldman and various sorts of anarchists and Bolsheviks stirred up the masses and assassinated Presidents, then continue to let your "Tea Party" freak flag fly. I myself am a part of the growing plurality of Democrats who is working constructing through groups like NumbersUSA in a truly grassroots and bipartisan effort to end illegal immigration and unwarranted and unsustainable legal immigration. Any of the talking points put forth by NumbersUSA or Lonewacko himself would immeasurably add more to the political debate than all the noise of the Tea Partiers. Although certainly more mature and over all better informed, the average Tea Partier is only marginally more effective than the "Free Mummia" and ANSWER loons who show up in mass at left-wing anti-war rallies when it comes to ending Open Border insanity.

WaPo had a link today to submit questions to Moran for his next town hall. I know this is usually useless, but it doesn't hurt to try.

Horace is right don't forget William Dawes he was also a big part of that tea Party and the right people in the son's of liberty, who did not run-away from a good old fight.