Dear non-Democrat, non-MSM "citizen journalists" in Denver attending the Democratic National Convention:

While I enjoy reading about riots by the far-far-far-left as much as the next Infonaut (link), I believe you're concentrating on the, well, to be frank, low-hanging fruit at the expense of much more important things. I mean, almost six years ago I went and took pictures of the ANSWER freaks and was the first reporter that I know of to do so. But, I stopped that a year later.

I moved on, and I urge you to move on immediately and do real reporting: go ask people who have actual power difficult questions. In the current case, that would be Dem officials and candidates. And, by "difficult questions" I mean those that concern policy matters or that involve lies or misleading statements. And, I don't mean rants or open-ended questions that will be answered with their stock talking points.

Get the answer to the question on videotape, and then upload that to Youtube. If you ask the right person the right question, you might become a lot more famous than just LGF.

If you need a question, just ask. Or do a search here for "Obama" or "McCain". You're sure to find lots of possibilities.