Judge Wallace Tashima: Canyon County, Idaho can't sue over illegal immigration costs

From this:
In the decision handed down Friday, Federal judge A. Wallace Tashima [of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals] says [Canyon County, Idaho] can't prove that it suffered any harm as a result of businesses hiring undocumented workers.

Canyon County commissioners claimed the undocumented workers increased the county's tab for indigent medical care, schools and jails. The appellate court found that a government entity can't sue to recoup the costs of being a government entity.


there are some pretty wealthy tobacco lawyers who sued "on bahalf of the government" for their increased healthcare costs, they won billions.

So, local governments aren't allowed to do much to assure illegal aliens aren't stealing jobs or public services, yet they are required to foot the bill. Anything to benefit the corporations that own the US government and rely on illegal labor, I guess. Because US citizens are having jobs, fair wages for remaining jobs, tax money (tax money that goes to services illegal aliens get), and identities stolen while being forced to buy goods/services produced elsewhere or by illegal aliens, our country will be completely picked clean in no time.

When will the electorate wise up and stop paying taxes to the enemy that is their own government. How long did it take to get sick of England? It is long past time as far as I am concerned!!