Rudy Giuliani wows them in Iowa!

I usually laugh at rather than laugh with TAPPED, but this post highlighting "town mouse Rudy Giuliani saying embarrassingly stupid things about flyover country while in flyover country" found me regretfully doing a little of the second.

For instance, the bit of advice about "Do not, under any circumstances, make references to elite East Coast universities", referencing this Rudy quote:

"Aren't these questions great?" he said as he got up to leave the diner here. "This is terrific. We could be at the Kennedy School of Government."


Look guys this little pig Giuliani is just one more ass inside a "asshole" he is a nothing person and he will never rule over people who can see. Ron Paul may-not be the guy you want but Ron is talking facts about this government but as we all know Ron Will never become president for many reason one is race the other is corruption, but get behind Ron you may stop the coming race and civil war that will start if some asshole becomes our next BS actor/artist/El President of BS For the third world pigs. and may God help you all.

The way people when talking about Paul reflexively say "but he can't win" or "he's a kook" says more about the power of the media's brainwashing than it does about Paul. These thoughts, and many others, are being inserted in their heads. Paul, citing history and the Constitution, makes people say "he's a kook". Who are the real kooks?