BP sector chief: "The Border Patrol is not equipped to stop illegal immigrants"

While newspapers have been known to take things out of context, I'm having trouble seeing how that could have been done in this case:
Border Patrol agents dont have the responsibility of apprehending illegal immigrants, Carlos X. Carrillo, chief patrol agent for the Laredo sector, said at a town hall meeting Wednesday. "The Border Patrol is not equipped to stop illegal immigrants," Carrillo said, noting that illegal narcotics are also not on the agents priority list.

"The Border Patrol mission is not to do any of those things," he emphasized.

The Border Patrols mission is to keep the country safe from terrorist and terrorist weapons, he said. Carrillo added that when and if terrorists come into the country, the agents will be ready...

Carrillo said the Carrizo cane along the river is an environmental challenge. He said that before enforcing any type of fence, the Carrizo canes need to be addressed, allowing agents to patrol and spot traffic in the river...
8/28/07 UPDATE: He's "apologized":
"It's painfully obvious to me that I could have done a better job of articulating my talking points... As long as the resources are made available to the people who can make it happen, we will certainly do everything we can to ensure that a zero tolerance policy is brought forward. But to initiate a program like this, without the funding, would not be wise."
12/01/07 UPDATE: There's video and a transcript of his remarks here.


Okay, I give up, who is responsible? Bush isn't, states aren't, sanctuary cities aren't...who is?

Tell me something we don't already know...We know Bush has done his best to insure that they do NOT stop illegals.....as he lays out the biggest 2,000 mile welcome mat for every type of vermin who wants to come on in to this country.

Odd, if you go to the BP website and read the mission statement, I think it reasonable to conclude that Carrillo is in error regarding his responsibilities. http://www.cbp.gov/xp/cgov/toolbox/about/mission/guardians.xml If he says that they are not provided with the manpower or resources necessary to DO the job, that is one thing. To say "it's not my job", is something else. Turning back, or deterring an illegal before they could cross the border would meet the goals in their mission statement. Catching them once they are already in our Country would dictate turning them over to ICE.

The government has found someone new to blame. Businessess who hire Mexicans will be fined if they do not prove legal statice. All government agencies can ignore or accept all the phony paperwork and continue to give the illegals all the want and need. Free health care to unwed teens just arriving in this country for us to pay for their child. Drivers liscences, car plates and insurances. They accept all the paperwork that has just been used by 20 others in same office on same day, but if a business does not do tough investigations to find out if they are hireing illegals, wham!!! hit them with a fine and then maybe the government can get back some of the money they give away to the illegals. Its time for businesses to band together and fight this ridiculous new idea of the gov. At least most businessess are trying to give work to them rather than have them on welfare.