Petition: We Need Real Political Debates

Unless we take action now, the upcoming presidential debates will just be an opportunity for politicians to recite their talking points, and moderators will continue to ask puffball, general questions rather than asking questions designed to reveal flaws in the candidates' arguments.

I urge everyone to sign this non-partisan petition demanding real political debates and send it to all your friends.

The petition demands that questions should be designed to make a candidate defend their positions, not just state what they are. If someone is running for President of the U.S., they should be able to defend their positions and respond to critics.

And, it suggests that panels of subject matter experts - from across the entire spectrum - be used to craft tough questions. Moderators - together with those experts - can ask a series of questions in order to hone in on a candidate's actual positions and in order to reveal flaws in their policies.

One of the greatest threats to the U.S. political system is that politicians are frequently allowed to make obviously wrong or misleading statements without being challenged. Please sign the petition in order to end this practice and craft real debates about vital issues.


Political debates are an example of true oligopoly power, inasmuch as the candidates are allowed to control the process - otherwise, they will threaten not to participate. This is why the League of Women Voters has been edged out of the debates picture, replaced by the fancy-dancy Commission on Presidential Debates, or whatever they call it. This also helps to cut third parties out of the picture so that Tweedledum and Tweedledee can mouth their talking points with minimal hassle. But at least a political debate is better than a campaign commercial - especially the commercials by independent organizations.

It will used against us all but sign it but understand we live inside a nation of evil doers who want all American's removed from earth, this government is the enemies of freedom and has set-you all up for mass removal and the end game is total elimination of all freedoms and YOU! BUT SIGN IT NOW

I prefer the current brand of faux debates because 1) it's much easier to make fun of them and the participants, and 2) I wouldn't watch a 'real' debate anyway.