Rep. John Boehner throws out citizen lobbyists (Hold Their Feet to the Fire)

As previously discussed, various talk show hosts and their listeners are visiting Washington DC to lobby Congress regarding immigration matters. And:
The office of Congressman John Boehner, minority leader in the House, threw out the first of our citizen lobbyists that went on Capitol Hill this morning to discuss illegal immigration. [The lobbyist group] said the staff of Boehner's office were rude...

The same group talked to Duncan Hunter's office staff and were invited in and given coffee and allowed to talk... They had no trouble with other staff at other representatives offices. Congressman John Murtha also turned them away, but was not rude and Congressman Price set an appointment with them later on in the day.
The home page of the event is here, and their video page is here.


_The office of Congressman John Boehner, minority leader in the House, threw out the first of our citizen lobbyists...[The lobbyist group] said the staff of Boehner's office were rude... Congressman John Murtha also turned them away,..._ Your tax money at work; makes you feel good, doesn't it?