Ford Foundation money helped create Jupiter Florida day laborer center (Philip Williams, Manuel Vasquez)

The Ford Foundation knew that its money was used to help create a day laborer center where many of the workers were illegal aliens. Not only that, they've doubled down and given another grant to two University of Florida professors who used Ford Foundation money to help start the center. From a press release:
Building on previous research, two University of Florida professors [Philip Williams, professor of political science, and Manuel Vasquez, professor of religion] will use a $450,000 grant from the Ford Foundation to study social interaction between Latino immigrants and the established Atlanta community, as well as the multiple roles religion plays in shaping immigrant acceptance and incorporation.

...Vasquez [says:] "Immigration is not just a national issue. It's a global issue."

[..."research and outreach programs"... "Focus groups and workshops"... ..."academic publications... pamphlets, media articles and a Web site"...]

...Williams and Vasquez studied the experiences of newly immigrated Latinos in Pompano Beach, Deerfield Beach and Jupiter, Fla. for a previous project also funded by the Ford Foundation.

...The researchers worked with the [Jupiter] community to create a labor center that would address the problem, but even that solution was problematic. Many of the day laborers were undocumented immigrants, so the use of local government funds for the project generated controversy.

The professors knew the foundation was pleased with their previous work, and they were encouraged to apply for this second grant, Vasquez said.
St. Peter Catholic Church, Jupiter Florida, supports illegal immigration
Jupiter Florida's illegal alien hiring hall coming soon
Jupiter Florida's seamy, corrupt, "liberal" underbelly
The Palm Beach Post goes off the deep end


It would appear that the Ford Foundation is not within it's charter and should lose it's tax expempt status. The name of the corporation is THE FORD FOUNDATION. ARTICLE II "The purpose or purposes for which the corporation is organized are: A. To receive and administer funds for scientific, educational, and charitable purposes, all for the public welfare, and for no other purposes," How is subsidizing & promoting illegal immigration promoting "public welfare", isn't the "public" limited to American citizens? Isn't engaging in activity promoting illegal immigration and a disregard of our law contrary to the public? WTF are the lawyers?

Great catch, Smitty. Who is fighting Hazelton? The ACLU. Where does their money come from? The Ford Foundation, for one. More than 9 million dollars between 2000 and 2004.

"...Vasquez [says:] "Immigration is not just a national issue. It's a global issue." " Alas, when it comes time to pay for "immigration", the "globe" doesn't kick in any money. It all comes from US tax-payers at the local, state, and federal level.