Award for "Most Unique Outlier Designed to Support Illegal Immigration" goes to...

Media sources have a habit of coming up with extreme examples of the vagaries of our immigration laws in order to promote their agenda (or help their owners, advertisers, and associates make money). For instance, when promoting discounted college educations for illegal aliens, they'll seek out someone who's a National Merit Scholar, an Eagle Scout, and a budding concert violinist, all the while ignoring the vast majority of other illegal alien students who aren't in that same league.

But, one paper has managed to leap and jump ahead of all others.

The award for the "Most Unique Outlier Designed to Support Illegal Immigration" goes to...

The envelope please...

The Award goes to the St Louis Post-Dispatch for the un-bylined article "Almost-lifelong U.S. resident caught in web of stricter immigration laws".

Make no mistake about it: this article is simply propaganda designed to make people think someone who's lived here for decades without proof of residency is equivalent to someone who paid a smuggler and then bought phony documents.