No Santa For Hazleton

Some wacky illegal immigration supporter has started the satire site

The people of Hazleton, PA are proud to announce a citizen-organized public awareness campaign called "No Santa for Hazleton." The campaign will use Santa Claus' status as America's most-loved illegal worker to demonstrate Hazleton's new "zero tolerance" policy toward illegal aliens. [...further support for illegal immigration deleted...]

Jon Hurdle of Reuters jumps on the fun, offering "Hoax Web site jabs anti-illegal immigrant U.S. town". It must feel great to have your propaganda picked up by an even greater propaganda source.

Unfortunately, those behind the site aren't brave enough to reveal their identities either on the site or through their WHOIS (see which is cloaked using "Private Domain Registration" (see which may lead people to think they're located in Emeryville, CA when in fact that's simply a mail drop. There are certainly good reasons to hide WHOIS info in the case of, say, political prosecution, but in this case why should they (presumably) be ashamed? They aren't advocating anything reprehensible, right?

Their video is here and they even created a special user account just for this project. The only thing to be gleaned from that is that they joined two months ago.

The site was dugg here (, but he probably found it through youtube. That user appears to be Joe Walsh ( who's involved with video. Oddly enough, "joezane" also dropped the link at Stephen Colbert's forum (, and that may be the same joezane who has a myspace account ( Certainly, I have a bunch of sites and post messages here and there using different names, so none of that should indicate that he has any connection to the site whatsoever.

UPDATE: MSNBC prints the Reuters story under the title "Hoax Web site jabs anti-illegal immigrant town" (link). However, a search for the title of this post in google shows that the title as indexed was "Web site takes swipe at nativist town".


Good to see BS exposed. All Americans except Native American Indians (i.e. casino kings) are sons and daughters of immigrants... MOSTLY unregistered European immigrants. How dare we persecute people trying to make a better life for themselves? Americans should better spend their time worrying about how we who have most of the world's wealth can help those in need. It would be a shame to see a whole nation in hell together because they can't get past their pride and greed. Merry Christmas America... get a life.

"Good news", but soon all Mexicans and all south so-called Americans will get total amnasty inside the former USA.

Soon this so called government will put you in prison as a racist for saying no to mexico!

Understand what this government. the amnasty Bill is now the new bill of total hand-over to the drug dealers and to Bin Laden.