Heroic Michael Dukakis wins three year battle for justice

michael dukakis

Stalwart former presidential contender Michael Dukakis has finally won a historic, three year battle for justice. Due to his heroic actions, meter maids in Los Angeles' Westwood Village (home to UCLA) will soon begin ticketing cars that engage in "apron parking", i.e., parking on sidewalks, driveways, and the like. There are 857 street-side parking spaces in his section of the neighborhood, but 5,700 cars. "Duke"'s argument is that these parking practices make it difficult for the disabled and are otherwise dangerous.

This site offers its congratulations, and - while it generally dislikes Westwood and other parts of the "Westside" - hopes that Dukakis will spread his wise public policy decisions to other cities, toute de suite-like.


Thank you, that was most amusing.

You parody shameless nutjobbery better than the most shameless of nutjobs.