Democrats offer Tan Nguyen letter of their own [satire]

The latest from the Tan Nguyen campaign is that he says the infamous letter was mistranslated from English to Spanish; a copy of the stated original version is here.

In response, the Democrats have come up with their own version of the letter that they're demanding be sent to all Democratic voters in California:

Dear voter:

You are receiving this letter because you recently registered to vote. If you are a citizen of the U.S. we encourage you to participate in the democratic process.

However, if you are here illegally or are just a resident with a green card, you should be advised that voting in any Federal Election is a crime and may result in imprisonment, and WILL result in deportation.

Also, do NOT register your pets. There's almost zero chance that voting on behalf of "Fluffy" will get you into trouble, but just do not DO IT. Also, if you have multiple personality disorder, DO not register each of your personalities. For all you know, they might vote for non-Democrats!

And, DO not register space aliens, fictional characters, dead people, names you just made up, words you saw on billboards, or anagrams of any of the preceding. They check these registrations closely (except on Wednesdays), so be very careful. Once again: you might get caught. There's almost zero chance of anything bad happening to you, but you never know. If you're the one in a billion people that they prosecute for supporting our cherished causes, it could happen. It just has almost zero probability of happening.


The Mexican Consul General of La Habra

Dr. Gov. Howard Dean M.D.