Wacky California legislature makes self-mocking resolution about Pluto

Let's check in with the wacky fun California legislature and see what capers, fancies, and jolly japes they're up to. Why, look, it's HR 36, "Relative to Pluto's planetary status":

WHEREAS, Recent astronomical discoveries, including Pluto's oblong orbit and the sighting of a slightly larger Kuiper Belt object, have led astronomers to question the planetary status of Pluto; and
WHEREAS, The mean-spirited International Astronomical Union decided on August 24, 2006, to disrespect Pluto by stripping Pluto of its planetary status and reclassifying it as a lowly dwarf planet;and
[...much fun deleted...]
Resolved by the Assembly of the State of California, That the Assembly hereby condemns the International Astronomical Union's decision to strip Pluto of its planetary status for its tremendous impact on the people of California and the state's long term fiscal health...

Why am I not laughing?

Well, perhaps it has something to do with real legislation their cohorts have been involved in:

* Gil Cedillo's seventh attempt to give legal California driver's licenses to illegal aliens.

* Gil Cedillo's attempt to give illegal aliens a better deal on student aid than some U.S. citizens.

* Gloria Romero's support for foreign citizens making a show of force and demanding that we give them rights to which they aren't entitled.

Perhaps if the Democratic Party decided to be an American party and started censuring their many extremist leaders I might be less "saturnine" about their "Pluto" joke.



pluto is a planet but many think it isn't i have no ideals to state but i know that someday the USA will Be in the same status at pluto is today.