Stupid MyDD poll: Francine Busby didn't lose because of support for massive illegal alien amnesty

What a relief it must be to the Democratic Party to learn that they can fully support massive illegal immigration and a massive amnesty for illegal aliens, and not pay the price on election day.

Of course - just between us - that news comes to us via a somewhat questionable poll from a questionable source. But, let's not tell our Democrat friends, let's just let that be a surprise.

The poll was conducted on the orders of the "Courage Campaign" which is supposedly both "non-partisan" and "progressive" (I guess that means Dem/Green/Peace and Freedom/WOW), together with the Kososphere's own It was conducted by Wright Consulting Services of Phoenix. From their press release:

In another twist, immigration, and the now infamous "gaffe" uttered by Busby did not have that much of an impact. While the punitive rhetoric may have held the Republican base together, it did not appeal to moderate or swing voters... Ultimately, low Independent turnout was attributed to Busby's own campaign message, which focused on what she and others characterized as a complete breakdown of Republican honesty and integrity in Washington. Findings indicate running against the "culture of corruption" was a failure and actually backfired. The poll shows widespread mistrust of both parties and the promise of "cleaning up Washington" was not believable, particularly to Independents, who instead took out their frustrations by voting for third party candidates.

Once again, let's not tell our Democrat friends that it's difficult to complain about massive corruption while at the same time supporting it. It would take MyDD a million years to figure it out, but many voters can see that those who support illegal immigration are supporting corruption. It just isn't believable when those same people complain about corruption.

As for the poll, they asked two questions, and respondents were asked to choose which was closest to their opinion. The PDF and the results are linked from here, but good luck wading through the results. Here are the two immigration questions:

1. Statement A says: "Immigration has gone too far and many of today's immigrants do not learn the English language nor blend into American culture."

Statement B says: "Our country was founded by immigrants and we benefit from the work they do and the cultural diversity they provide."


2. Statement A says: "Immigration is a serious problem and we need to toughen security at the borders, while giving a path to citizenship to undocumented immigrants who learn English and abide by our laws."

Statement B says: "Illegal immigration is a serious problem and we should send illegal immigrants back to their countries, instead of giving them amnesty and government benefits Americans pay for."

Obviously, those questions are bit muddled. None of those statements accurately represent the views of either Bilbray or Busby. The terminology appears to be intentionally misleading: "immigrants", "undocumented immigrants", and "illegal immigrants." The use of those terms doesn't even fit with the supposed D/R choices. And, our country, like every other settlement ever created, was indeed founded by immigrants.

Perhaps the goal was to see how credulous the respondent was. Which is probably the goal of the whole poll.