"May Day protest organized by communists"

If you saw my long list of May Day supporters, you already know that, but there's even more here from the NYC rally.

Groups mentioned - most with photos of their signs - are:

Workers World Party
International Socialist Organization
F.I.S.T. (Fight Imperialism Stand Together)
A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition
SDS (Students for a Democratic Society)
Camp Casey (Cindy Sheehan)
Stop the War on Iran
Revolutionary Communist Party
The Catholic Church
Break the Chains Alliance

(Apparently Cindy Sheehan was there in the spirit of solidarity only.)
...At one point, a black-shirted radical climbed the George Washington Statue in Union Square to wave a Che Guevara sign before the crowd, a Mexican flag hung on the statue, flowing over his left shoulder as he shouted out defiantly. Che Guevara, the worldwide symbol for revolutionary socialism and communism, was easily grafted by the Workers World Party onto the amnesty message of this pro-illegal immigration protest.

Comfortably, the Hispanic immigration boycotters mixed Che Guevara's image and the Mexican flag to deliver the radical message: "Imperialism NO! THE PEOPLE UNITED will never be defeated." The Che Guevara poster printed by the Workers World Party called for solidarity with Iraq, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, Palestine, Haiti, New Orleans, Asia and Africa.

The point of the radical left was that the "struggle for immigrant rights" was just part of an international struggle for the oppressed underclass. To underscore the point, protesters carried placards with the applicable Workers World Party slogan: "Workers' Struggles Have No Borders!" ("Las Luchas Obreras No Tienen Fronteras") In other words, we should eliminate the border with Mexico, because nation-states are not relevant for the radical revolutionaries.


power is always used against people, just look at the third world and ask why.

International socialism doesn't want borders, at least not those which serve to limit freedom for aggression. Then there are those with lots of money, but less power than they want. they imagine that they can ride communist or hostile immigrant causes into some additional power; but is they who get used and cast aside, instead. Rich men trying to buy power, have unleashed horrors of unspeakable magnitude.