More on the mythical "Hispanic Vote"

Among other things, this article contains this:
While attitudes about immigration differ between Central and South Americans, this distinction is not often made in policy discussions.

Immigration specialist Demetrios Papademetriou, president of the Migration Policy Institute, a nonpartisan Washington-based think tank, says the idea of a monolithic Hispanic culture is more political construct than reality.

"We have created a thing called the Latino or Hispanic. ... It's an artifice," Mr. Papademetriou says. "I do not believe there is solidarity across ethnic groups within the Latino community."

Lenny Campello, 44, emigrated from Cuba in 1971 with his parents as political refugees. The retired U.S. naval officer, who owns two art galleries in the Washington area, says, "It's always interesting how Mexicans become Hispanics when it's convenient to them."


You may be right on when citizenship and the votes come. Perhaps I am being too negative but I just cannot see the Dems counting millions of votes and letting them wait.
Thanks for the kind words.

"Please go to for additional discussion on the economics of illegal immmigration. Thanks again."

I hit your blog yesterday, LomaAlta - good work!

My point on the citizenship track in not that it will never happen but that it will be delayed for a few years. The US is way behind in processing LEGAL immigrants now. GWB will be long out of office and working on his library before citizenship for his amnestied illegals starts to show up in any significant way other than for their children, born in the US, who are, of course, as eligible for social services as a descendant from the Mayflower. Some may well not get citizenship since the waiting period can be years right now.

Miguel said "you stink".

Nice to debate the issues.

you stink

Nice discussion. D, you are right the guest workers will be permanent residents. But, I disagree with you--I think they will also get citizenship. That means block voting as suggested by eh. And, I think Rove has served his usefulness and should go and let someone else try to salvage the GOP before the elections.

Please go to for additional discussion on the economics of illegal immmigration. Thanks again.

"The plain fact is that the huge numbers of people from points south now arriving in the US are predominantly uneducated and unskilled, so they tend not to earn a lot of money, and the same goes for their kids. Such people tend to vote democratic, often overwhelmingly so." eh

Notice that in Specter's bill, which is said to be Bush's bill, the "guest-workers" are not placed on a citizenship - and therefore voting - course. They can apply the same as the other 6 billion in the world can, but the wait would be prohibitive. They may well stay here - and if this bill passes, they will stay, as have all guest-workers the world over - but they may stay on as non-citizens. Their citizen children may vote Democratic, but that's way down the road. Rove may actually be paying attention. Get cheap workers for your business constituents but don't add Democratic voters at least in the short run.

Excellent comment eh.
Yes, the Hispanic culture might not be monolithic and surely contains nationalism. But,except for some driven fron Cuba by Commmunism, they will surely block vote for the democrats. Here the behind the curtains phony brilliance of the Wizard or Architect of our open borders/mass amnesty policies, Karl Rove, will be exposed. I have never seen a time when the senior Republican leaders are so out of touch with their conservative base and the public as now. It is truly scary re the 2006 and 2008 elections.

"monolithic Hispanic culture"

Regarding voting it has more to do with economic station than "culture", monolithic or otherwise. The plain fact is that the huge numbers of people from points south now arriving in the US are predominantly uneducated and unskilled, so they tend not to earn a lot of money, and the same goes for their kids. Such people tend to vote democratic, often overwhelmingly so.