Is the future of libertarianism at sea?

The California Libertarian Party will be conducting its next convention on a three day (actually, four day, but play along) cruise on the Royal Caribbean's Monarch of the Seas. It will feature the Vice President of the Reason Foundation.

Could the future of libertarianism be at sea? Specifically, in international waters?

Recall the company SeaCode, which wants to house foreign programming talent on a ship off of San Diego: cheap labor, but with proximity to clients.

Could the LP try something similar? Perhaps establishing their own country on the open seas?

Or, perhaps they could set sail for a desert island and establish their own society based on libertarian principles. There's a good chance it wouldn't end up like Lord of the Flies.

The LP isn't going to win any elections, so it's time for dramatic steps. I encourage all Libertarians, contributors to Reason, and fellow travelers to get on board and make a stand.


Great post. Very funny.