The Wall Street Journal and Open Borders

In "A Nation of Widgets: The Wall Street Journal and Open Borders", Mac Johnson discusses yet another Wall Street Journal editorial supporting unfettered immigration. He includes the following:
...Finally, the editorial finished with the most corrupt message I have ever seen in a major newspaper:
"Republicans seem intent not merely on increasing border patrols but also on further harassing law-abiding businesses that happen to hire illegals, as if anyone can tell the difference between real and fake immigration documents. Only Republicans would think it's smart politics to punish their supporters for hiring willing workers."
And only those who see the world through the soda straw of economic self-interest could editorialize against law enforcement and in favor of the right of a self-denied elite to be able to openly disobey whatever laws they find too "restrictive".

It's as if a local paper were to have the gall to complain that an overzealous vice squad were making it hard for friends to profit from prostitution. I mean, every pimp that comes through our offices says the same thing.

And that sort of elitist conceit on the part of the anti-nationalists is why the immigration issue is creating enough frustration among American voters that they are even willing to experiment with unknown and handicapped third parties to try to make their voice heard by the same politicians and executives to which the editors of the Wall Street Journal have such easy access.

Men are not widgets, and immigration affects more than just numbers in an abstract spreadsheet. America is not merely an economic opportunity zone for all comers to profit from. America is a homeland. America is a home to a distinct culture and the people that created it or have been assimilated into it. It is possible that the philosophical bookends of rightist globalism and leftist multiculturalism have squashed the instinct of that people to protect their culture and to claim the right to restrict entry into their home. But I doubt it.


The drug dealers in mexico city have just made some race and political terror threats against us all who do not want to become part of a drug government ran by evil rats.

Fox Told the people of this nation state that his people would do terror acts against us inside the USA for watching our borders.
The fact is L.A., The new mexico city inside the usa has thousands of armed gang members and some are on the police force, watch out for what comes next.

I have my M-14 do you?