Peggy Noonan, the American Way, and massive illegal immigration

Noonan has a column (I guess) opposing massive illegal immigration and chiding our corrupt elites for supporting it:
There are people who want to return to the old ways and rescue some of the old attitudes. There are groups that seek to restore border integrity. But they are denigrated by many, even the president, who has called them vigilantes. The New Yorker this week carries a mildly snotty piece by a writer named Daniel Kurtz-Phelan in which he interviews members of a group of would-be Minutemen who seek to watch the borders with Mexico and Canada. They are "running freelance patrols"; they are xenophobic; they dismiss critics as "communists" and "child molesters."

...Again: What does it mean when your first act is to break the laws of your new country? What does it mean when you know you are implicitly supported in lawbreaking by that nation's ruling elite? What does it mean when you know your new country doesn't even enforce its own laws? What does it mean when you don't even have to become an American once you join America?


Is your comment to Peggy Noonan some kind of a fuckin riddle, or what?

Ms Noonon is another weqak sister. A confused one at that: about the earning bit of biz: don't confuse successful criminal enterprize with earning - blm