NYT's David Rieff very confused about immigration

The New York Times offers "Migrant Worry" from contributor David Rieff. It reports that the concerns of those... people in those far-off border states have finally spread to the little people in those other states out there beyond Manhattan.

It also appears to have been written a couple weeks ago, because it includes the following into which I've inserted some helpful links:

...the undeniable fact that the new wave of immigration was bringing the best and the brightest of the poor world to Western Europe, Australia and the United States...

And, Reiff doesn't seem to know that we admit almost a million legal immigrants each year. Instead, he tries to paint opponents of illegal immigration as against all immigration, setting up a false choice between open borders and closed borders.

While it's a mostly worthless waste of words, it does provide yet more evidence (as if it were needed) that the leaders of this country have absolutely no clue about this issue.


If you want a big response launch an attack on Michael Moore.

people from what i see here really don't understand what is happening, only my post? how sad.
its not about stopping immigration its about stopping a mass invasion.

The so called Leaders of this country have many links to others in south america and know real well whats happening, but how much more evidence of evil doing do people need? the fact is the real issue for our political "Oligrchies", is how to keep people from understanding what is happening and to make fun of people who can see what is happening, the race zealots for mexico come in all kinds of colors and all want one thing, the total destruction of this nation and its people who think like real Americans and not one world pigs. the next stop is the camp and genocide.