Would you sneak into the White Sands Missile Range?

A couple years ago, I visited the White Sands Missile Range museum, right outside the gate of that military base. Obviously, it would be foolish for almost anyone who doesn't belong there to try to sneak onto that secure military facility.

"Almost anyone", because dozens of illegal aliens (i.e., citizens of other countries who have no allegiance to this country) have been caught working at secure military facilities. This is one of the few areas in which the Bush administration does workplace enforcement. But, if they did such enforcement elsewhere, that would reduce the number of illegal aliens available to work at such facilities, and there's also the worry that there are dozens more out there still illegally working at these areas, and some of them might not be such "kind-hearted folks". For recent cases, see the entries in this category or the recent article "US Missile Base Invaded by Illegal Immigrants".


"Would you sneak into the White Sands Missile Range?"

Twice a year you don't need to -- you can visit the Trinity Site on the first Saturday in April and October.

All people who are not U.S. Citizens should in no way be allowed to work or to go into any U.S. Military base.
but isn't it politically interesting that we have so many people doing jobs on our so called secure military "facility that are aliens and isn't it funny that our government is hiring so many aliens".
The fact is I am a vet and have applied for five government jobs, i was told, one time I had to understand "spanish and read spanish", this was on a base right down here in oceanside ca!...or oceanside mexico!.

Someday all jobs will be ear-marked for Aliens only, we do live inside a controlled so called Nation. by the way all aliens working on any military facility should be shot as a ENEMY INTELLIGENCE AGENTS because so many are just that spies for other nations. Death to the enmies of the bill of rights." and many are right here inside the great syatem of one world evil.