Backstage at the Huffington Post

While struggling to understand this web thingy, sexy Greek siren/Web entrepreneuse Arianna Huffington seems to have put part of her site behind a secret, members-only wall.

If you go to their Newswire Archive, at the present time you'll see links to this week's coverage and a search box. What you will not see are links to monthly or weekly archives, such as, oh I dunno, people might want to actually look at.

When you search for something, it asks you for your password to the "Huffington Post Backstage", which appears to be located at

This blogger claims to have received a hit from there, and speculates that it might be a secret area for them to scheme over their next far-left inanities and insanities. Maybe even George Soros has an account there. Maybe it's even the online home of the New World Order.

Needless to say, those past archives might be of use to their users, plus having links like that will help search engines find their way to those pages. The corresponding search form on the blog side actually works, and I was also able to access old blog posts using their tags system. You can also access them using the poster's name which is included in each post, making them easy to spider by SE robots.

I worry about the PR of pages that SEs can't get to, especially since a few of them contain links that I placed there. All on-topic and of interest of course. The HP main index has PR7, the news/blog indexes have PR6, and a few old blog pages I looked at had PR3 with one from the siren herself at PR4. But, I wonder if those old news pages have much PR at all.