Los Angeles Times to get less "liberal"

According the Nikke Finke of the LA Weakly, the Los Angeles Times' phone solicitors are reading the following from a script when they call:

I want you to know that we're bringing in a lot more conservative voices and conservative columnists.

This "frankly shocked" Finke, as one might imagine.

This guy confirmed this when calling in to the LAT's subscription line and posing as a suck... potential subscriber.

Perhaps after this move the LAT could comb through their past issues and print an issue listing all of their previous lies, misleading statements, and things that they've ignored over the years. Of course, that might defoliate the Amazon, so perhaps they could put that online.


The L.A.TIMES May as well be called the mexican times out of mexico city it is a terrorists news paper for mexico and bin laden. will this terorists paper write about Atzlan reconquista call for revolution inside the usa? will it write about the plan of sad diego which is a Genocide plan of mass murder the old nazi way? and the good old roman catholic so called church is doing all it can to help in this evil of mass murder of my culture of right against evil.

if you think that is nut's remember what happened to jew in 1933 to 1945 and also remember whites and blacks are now becoming the minority inside most of the west, what can happen will happen look at history and buy guns don't be the new jew.