Jeb Bush wants more legal immigration

The brother of Our Lider wants changes to our visa and immigration policies.

Speaking at the Miami Herald's annual Americas Conference, he said:

"It is a good thing to have people who want to come to set up their business, to invest here, to use this as a platform for the expansion of their business, whether they're from Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil or Texas."

Yet another data point in favor of the they-took-a-wrong-turn-at-Honduras theory.

Previously, Jeb Bush supported driver's licenses for illegal aliens. Some in the Kool Aid Krew think he should be president. And, his son P. dissed the Border Patrol a while back.


Of course 99.9% of immigrants have nothing in common with this talk of setting up businesses etc.

There are already provisions in the law for people with money to invest or to create a business.