Tell the Senate: No on the Akaka Bill

From this:
The U.S. Senate is scheduled tomorrow to decide whether to clear the way for the most odious, anti-American piece of legislation in memory: S. 147, the "Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act." Incredibly, as of now, more than 61 senators are expected to vote to begin a process that would ineluctably unravel the United States as a nation.

This legislation has been advanced in the spirit of pandering that has come to characterize all too much of our national political life. In this case, the pandering is on behalf of an ethnic community that is largely a figment of some politicians' imaginations -- a once-sovereign, identifiably blooded race of "Native Hawaiians" that are, if S. 147 were to become law, to be given the right to govern themselves as they see fit. This could involve creating a new Hawaiian monarchy and perhaps lead to the islands' secession from the Union...

Hawaii's longtime Democratic Sens. Daniel Akaka and Daniel Inouye are leading the charge for S. 147. The latter has considerable influence within his party and across the aisle as the ranking Democrat on the Senate Appropriations Committee. They are joined by the State's Republican Gov. Linda Lingle. Her political ambitions and appeals for support from the Bush White House have borne Republican fruit. In particular, the administration again has demonstrated its willingness to subordinate national interests to playing for ethnic votes...


You do know that Hawaii was taken over by the US government, and has every right to be free. Why should it be so bad if Hawaii is not part of the USA? Is the truth being revealed what scares you? That the great sham put on by all levels of government would be exposed? You must have loved the Union army during the War Between the States (so called "civil war").


I stopped reading your post as quickly as I could because its irrational, easily refuted and riddled with cliches. You need to educate yourself on these issues rather than repeat the party line you have been hand-fed.

Allow me to do you at least one public service, however, and correct your misperceptions about the "poverty line". The poverty line, as currently defined and wielded, is utterly meaningless. There are at least three reasons for this:

1. All income information is self-reported. Americans, when asked to report their income, will always underreport it. This is doubly true for those "engineering" their incomes (cash-based jobs) in order to qualify for the maximum payment checks from the Earned Income Tax Credit.

2. Study after study has shown that those families living under the "poverty line", somehow find a way to spend significantly more than they take in (if you don't understand the implications of this, please review point #1 above because you missed the point). The gap is becoming so wide (2-3 x) that there is no other explanation than underreporting.

3. The income used for poverty line calculations does not include private or public assistance of any kind. That's right. If you are receiving foodstamps, WIC, help from the Salvation Army, etc., none of it counts despite the fact that its definitely a large inflow with real cash value. This measurement problem helps contribute to the phenomenon detailed in point #2 above. It also makes a complete mockery about where the poverty line is drawn (the nominal dollar figure). There simply are not millions of people (families) living on total incomes less than $10K. When you add in public and private assistance and try to compensate for skewed, self-reported data, that line would be raised a multiple higher at least.

There are a myriad of other problems (e.g. composition of the market basket of goods used) but I haven't the time and you have inspired no confidence in me that you can grasp this.

We no longer have a government, by the people, for the people, but a government of the rich and powerful for the rich and the powerful!

The president is doing great harm to our country and risking thousand of American lives in an attempt to gain Latino votes and more importantly the money donated from grateful business that his policies provide with a unending supply of nearly slave labor subsidized by taxpayers! To this end he is putting his quest for money and votes above the law, the constitution and his oath to preserve and protect the American people. There was no excuse for our policy on illegal aliens prior to 9/11 but after 9/11 his policies that allow 100

And for so many years we were so naive as to think that only Democrats were in the business of pitting one group of Americans against another. Bush is probably in favor of this bill, because he senses an opportunity to replicate it on a larger scale with Hispanics. After all, if he creates some kind of parallel "tribal" government that conducts business in Spanish and gives preferences to people with Spanish surnames, Hispanics will be forever grateful to the GOP. They'll vote Republican for all eternity to come, just the the blacks did after the Civil War...oops.