House Speaker Dennis Hastert promises immigration "reform"

Keep an eye constantly peeled for offers of immigration "reform" from our leaders. The latest is House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert, who visited Tucson to support open borders proponent Jim Kolbe:
"We're going to address immigration... The biggest problem is having a comprehensive bill. We have to have a lot of different points of view come together and some resolution and some agreement on those."

Those gaps that need bridging on border reform go beyond partisanship and even internal differences within the majority Republican party, Hastert said.

"There's wide differences in the Arizona delegation on how to deal with this thing," he said, referring to a bill backed by Kolbe and Sen. John McCain and another co-sponsored by Sen. Jon Kyl.

Whatever legislation surfaces from the process must address border security, a workable guest-worker program and how to deal with the millions of illegal immigrants living and raising families in the U.S., Hastert said...
The way to deal with the latter, according to Hastert, is to invite more to come. We'll deal with them later.

UPDATE: This article has a very revealing quote from Hastert:
"You need to have that guest-worker program so people can legitimately come across the border, work and if they wish go home."
I guess he's admitting they aren't really "guest" workers at all.


I voted for you and all the republicans. That said I am real mad at how all of you have no back bone!
STOP the illegal immigration with more boarder control and no guest worker. No mater how you set it up they will not go bac and we will continue to have the problem

ALso today you dropped the drilling for oil in ANWA
and off the coast. Where in the hell are your balls. You republicans continue to let the dem. run the show. You keep spending money on pork projects like th Dem. Want to TAX the oil company's and wher would that money go. It would go to you the goverment (not th comsumer) and youwould spend that money on more pork projects. jus like th dem. would do. This group of Rep. Congressmen are just as useless as tets on a bore!!

If they are able to push this "guest worker" program who really believes that these workers will ever be going back home. Just like now, no one will make them leave. And the program allows them to bring their family with them. Not much incentive to back home.