Reason Magazine's Hit & Run can't stand the heat [RETRACTED]

[UPDATE: In the comments, Matt Welch says this was a technical glitch. The last time this happened I sent an email to Tim Cavanaugh and my second email with my screen name didn't get a reply and the comment never showed up. The comment in this case has not shown up either. Nevertheless, I'm going to give Reason the benefit of the doubt in this case.] As previously discussed, the libertarian site Reason Magazine has banned blogger Xrlq from commenting there (link).

Now, it looks like a comment I left is being moderated out of existence. This happened before on a Kerry Howley thread in which I included several links in my comment. However, this time I didn't include any links (other than the redirected one for my name).

The thread in question is "Happy Hawaiian Statehood Day!" (reason . com/hitandrun/2005/08/happy_hawaiian_1.shtml) from Matt Welch, which includes this:
I'll have more on this Monday, but in the meantime, I'll throw this chum out to you sharks: Assuming there was strong popular support -- which may very well be an incorrect assumption, but just for the sake of the exercise -- why shouldn't the islands secede? Isn't it finer to be a 49er?
(Emphasis as in original). I left the following:
why shouldn't the islands secede?

Well, let's see. Because they're currently part of the United States? That would seem to be obvious to about 99% of Americans, but not apparently to the less than 1% who are libertarians.

Here's another question libertarians might enjoy pondering: If China invaded Hawaii, why should we bother fighting them? Isn't it much better to just let it go?

And, another stumper for the libertarians: What about Maine? Who needs it anyhow?

And, of course: Why not Aztlan? After all, Mexico is the Party Country, and with the (former) U.S. Southwest under their control, Aztlan will be a fun new vacation destination!

Will the last sensible libertarian please turn out the lights on the Manassass Holiday Inn where you're conducting this year's convention? Thanks.
That received a "Your comment has been received. To protect against malicious comments, I have enabled a feature that allows your comments to be held for approval the first time you post a comment. I'll approve your comment when convenient; there is no need to re-post your comment" screen, and the comment has not shown up after a couple hours. If it does, I'll retract this post. However, I'm not expecting it to show up.


No, Matt you need an education in Hawaii politics. I have every confidence that our Hawaii big-shots can run this place into the ground in record time.

You might check out the history of de-colonization and discover what happens when the rule-of-law and the capitalists leave a place to the mercy of the kleptocrats.

I got banned from Hit & Run last may. They didn't like my replies on the gay marriage and immigration threads. Was always polite and never used any profanity. I sent several e-mails asking why and never got a response.

Nice to see you weren't banned after all. FYI, if you ever do get inducted into the Too Reasonable For ReasonTM Club, I can assure you they won't be subtle about it. As the name of their blog (though not their magazine) suggests, they don't do subtle.

Uh ... I know you are but what am I?

Unless a decisive majority of Hawaiians want to secede, I'm totally *opposed* to it. And I'm opposed to the Akaka Bill in any case.

And if you think a First World capitalist economy could turn into a "Third-Wold toilet inside of a year," you're gonna need more than a loan to buy an education in international economics.

Seriously, why shouldn't Hawaii secede? For starters most of the citizens of the state are totally opposed to it, if that matters.

Second, this (Yeah, I call Hawaii home) place would be a Third-World toilet inside of a year. Even a libertarian can figure out that that would be in no one's interest, most especially ethnic hawaiians.

Matt, take out a loan and buy a clue.

Actually, I've had my own comments there blocked with the exact same message. Usually, though not always, when I included a bunch of links. Looks like they can't stand *my* heat, either! Oh wait....