Guess who's blogging at the Huffington Post?

There are so very many angles with which to approach this, but let's try this one. Which of these do you think has a post at the HP?

1. Dr. Phil
2. John Edward (the spiritualist, not the VP candidate)
3. Deepak Chopra
4. the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

If you care, click here for the answer. Note the advice about 10pm, then note the post time. (OK, time zones might be involved, but let's not let that spoil yet another chance to make fun of HP).

On the other hand, at least the poster is not as objectionable as Paul Krassner or Tom Hayden.

Here's an idea for Arianna: an HP cruise! It would be like those National Review cruises, except it would be for everyone who's posted or who will post at HP. And, instead of hum-drum locations like the Caribbean, Arianna could pilot the cruise into the South China Sea. Arrr, me liberals!