Debra Bowen disfavored by Kremlin, voted off Politburo committee

CA Sen. Debra Bowen (D-Marina del Rey) - a candidate for Secretary of State - was recently voted off California's Senate Appropriations Committee. By her fellow Democrats.

Why? Because she failed to blindly agree to spending millions of dollars. Apparently she spent six years getting information on what the Dems were freely spending on a day or two before. However, recently Carole Migden (D-San Francisco) demanded that others on the Committee sign on to her spending proposals sight unseen.

Bowen balked, and she was voted off the Committee by her fellow Dems, apparently lead by Migden and Don Perata (D-Oakland). Gritty details in "Bowen punished by her own party".

There is no word yet on whether she will be sent to Siberia, or whether she can be rehabilitated. A quick check revealed that she had not yet been airbrushed out of the Party photographs.

For more on Bowen, see "Texas bans hunting over Internet". See also "Don Peralta, Regency Outdoor in the news".

Note also that this could be a secret operation designed to disassociate Bowen from her fellow Dems in the minds of voters. Once she's elected to Sec'y of State, she could resume her Democratic ways. That's a remote possibility, but it needs to be considered.