Mexico's Political Agenda Behind Migration Talks

There's a good roundup of the threat posed by massive illegal immigration in "Mexico's Political Agenda Behind Migration Talks: Americans Should Heed Warnings to Preserve National Unity".

The author has first-hand knowledge of the mindset she describes. In 2003 she spoke at the California hearings during which "American" legislators discussed accepting Mexican ID cards. At the hearing, former Sen. John Vasconcellos basically advocated giving the U.S. southwest back to Mexico. See "Since We Stole It, Let Them Steal It Back".


Imagine what would be the response, if caucasian politicos told blacks who don't like whites to go back to africa. Their pretending that it is just va subjective preference for one group or another; but the latinos really are at half the income of the majority, and eating up net public subsidy at a fearsome rate. If people should be run out of the country for telling the truth on these points; our country is a lie. Would illiterate hispanic immigrants be in a moral position to send Huntington into exile; on the basis of their productiveness and welfare grabbing family values, perhaps? Our politicians who so closely echo the Mexican corruptocracy's line of propaganda, should be called out for being agents of a hostile government. If America stands for anything good at all, Mexico is certainly our enemy.