"Nike lists abuses at Asian factories"

Fark.com directs our attention to the al Guardian article "Nike lists abuses at Asian factories" (link), which contains this absolutely hilarious blooper: "In more than half of Nike's factories, the report said, employees worked more than 60 hours a day. In up to 25%, workers refusing to do overtime were punished."

Somewhere, there are libertarians probably getting ready to apologize for Nike's actions. I can already sense the digits typing away over at Reason. "Hey, at least they were employing people and they didn't have to work as sex workers!" They can use this idea as a template (reason . com/hod/ww011405.shtml).

Meanwhile, you can probably find the referenced report somewhere at one of Nike's websites. Start here (nike.com/nikebiz/nikebiz.jhtml?page=29).