Arkansas leads the nation in at least one thing

Drudge has linked to a few stories about petting zoos spreading E. coli infections. Here's the latest. Similar reports have appeared on the various nightly news programs, and legislation has even been proposed.

During the Blogging Across America I visited a few zoos or similar, and if I recall correctly most or all of them had signs warning visitors to wash their hands after touching the animals. They also had hand sanitizer dispensers available at the exits. So, it would seem that the free market already has this covered in many areas: who needs legislation when you have a more basic fear of getting sued.

I distinctly recall that the Arkansas Alligator Farm had such dispensers. So, at least one place in Arkansas is ahead of places in Florida, not that there's much of a distinction between the two states.

I don't recall whether the horrific Prairie Dog Town had such dispensers, but they might have.

And, I think the Waco Zoo had dispensers at their petting zoo.

On a slightly related note, see the post "Summarizing Bill Clinton" for a picture of one of the more strange places I visited (or at least took a glimpse inside) during the whole tour. In the event that I'm ever in the area again I'm definitely going to try to get permission to shoot the inside of that place.