FoxNews: "Illegal Alien Influx May Compromise Security"

FoxNews is running a five-part series on the possible terrorism-related implications of our lax border policy.

I haven't seen the video, but the report includes the following:

"These people that are coming up here, including the undocumented, are good people that are enriching our lives. We do need them," said Juan Hernandez, a dual national and Texas resident who formerly represented Mexicans north of the border in the Mexican cabinet.

And did he ever. Bearing in mind he's also an American citizen, here's another one of his quotes:

"By populating the United States with millions of Hispanics who are tied economically, politically and linguistically to Mexico, we are able to exert enormous influence and pressure on U.S. policy and its dealings with Mexico."

and this quote about Mexican immigrants to the U.S.:

"I want the third generation, the seventh generation, I want them all to think 'Mexico first'."

Part 2 of their series is here.